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Find the Right Product Solar Panel
Maximize solar energy self-consumption,
Minimize electricity bill
Morego on grid solar power system provides a high quality solution for home owners.It has good adaptability, suitable for several kinds of roofs and grounds.With energy bills ever increasing,self-consumption of solar energy is the smart way to save money and reduce your carbon footprint.
Prime Configuration
On grid solar power system never looked so good.
Latest 6BB Solar Cells Solar Panel
Higher yield per surface area and lower BOS costs and higher power classes and an efficiency rate of up to 18%.

Projects Developed On A Global Basis

Barranquilla 2kw
On Grid Solar Power System

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Santiago 3kw
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Pozos Colorados 4kw
On Grid Solar Power System

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Patras 5kw
On Grid Solar Power System

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Bandung 8kw
On Grid Solar Power System

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FIJI 10kw
On Grid Solar Power System

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Cape Down 15kw
On Grid Solar Power System

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Mexico 20kw
On Grid Solar Power System

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